ActivaAir Blow In System BP5010

The activaAir Blow In System is an automatic device for the activaAir air cushion machines BP4000 and BP5000. The packaging process becomes simplified and accelerated. With this construction, the packaging of the goods in cartons can take place from above. This speeds up the packaging process and and protects the workers back.

activaAir Blow In Systen

The activaAir Blow In System is intended for packing tables. The packaging system is suitable for the BP4000 and BP5000 machines. The device has been designed for lifting up air cushion mats or air cushion bags into a drip tray. The film is guided from below through a shaft with air up to the collection basket. The collection basket is mounted at a height of approx. 1.80 meters. Through a slot in the lower part of the collecting basket, the air cuschion film can be removed and processed.

First of all the working with the blow in system saves time, because the cardboard boxes can be filled from above with the air cushion film.

Dimensions of the collection container

  1. Length: 900 mm
  2. Width: 600 mm
  3. Height: 900 mm